Monday, February 28, 2022

Lectio Divina Template 95

 "For forty days [Jesus] was tempted by the devil."

We invite you to a few minutes of silence before we begin our prayer time together.

Take a deep breath and breathe in the breath of God, knowing by faith that God breathes into us the breath of life.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Lectio Divina Template 94

  "When the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone."

We invite you to a few minutes of silence before we begin our prayer time together.

Take a deep breath and breathe in the breath of God, knowing by faith that God breathes into us the breath of life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Lectio Divina Template 93

 "Love your enemies..."

We invite you to a few minutes of silence before we begin our prayer time together.

Take a deep breath and breathe in the breath of God, knowing by faith that God breathes into us the breath of life.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

SLT Meeting Minutes from Jan 15, 2022

Present: Linda Dollins, Parth Domke, Chris Hagen, Deborah Lewallen, Rick Martin, Kathy Mendoza, Diane Oldfield, Jan Simpson, Joan Thompson, Susan Wheeler.

The meeting was opened by Linda Dollins with a reading from Psalm 119 and a 10-minute period of centering prayer.

Following the CONSD annual new year’s practice, the team read and reflected upon the chapter’s Vision and Mission Statements and Core Values.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Lectio Divina Template 92

 "Blessed are you who are poor..."

We invite you to a few minutes of silence before we begin our prayer time together.

Take a deep breath and breathe in the breath of God, knowing by faith that God breathes into us the breath of life.