Lectio Templates # 1 - 120: click to access previous Lectio Archive
Newest Lectio Templates will now appear at the top of the following list:
Lectio Template 243: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." (Luke 6)
Lectio Template 242: "Blessed are you..." (Luke 6)
Lectio Template 241: "They left everything and followed him." (Luke 5)
Lectio Template 240: "... my eyes have seen your salvation" (Luke 2)
Lectio Template 239: "Cleanse me from my secret faults" (Psalm 19)
Lectio Template 238: "You have kept the good wine until now." (John 2)
Lectio Template 237: "Arise, shine; for your light has come." (Isaiah 60)
Lectio Template 236: "How happy are they who dwell in your house!" (Psalm 84)
Lectio Template 235: "The light shines in the darkness..." (John 1)
Lectio Template 234: "My soul magnifies the Lord..." (Luke 1)
Lectio Template 233: "One more powerful than I [John] is coming." (Luke 3)
Lectio Template 232: "Prepare the way of the Lord." (Luke 3)
Lectio Template 231: "Show me your ways, O Lord..." (Ps. 25)
Lectio Template 230: "This is but the beginning of the birth pangs." (Mark 13)
Lectio Template 229: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth... (Rev. 15)
Lectio Template 228: "Go; you faith has made you well." (Mark 10)
Lectio Template 227: "...the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind..." (Job 38)
Lectio Template 226: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11)
Lectio Template 225: "Show ... gentleness born of wisdom." (James 3&4)
Lectio Template 224: "Against wisdom evil does not prevail." (Wisdom 7)
Lectio Template 223: "Be opened." (Mark 7)
Lectio Template 222: "Isaiah prophesied rightly..." (Mark 7)
Lectio Template 221: "The one who eats this bread will live forever." (John 6)
Lectio Template 220: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." (Psalm 111)
Lectio Template 219: "Be imitators of God, as beloved children." (Ephesians 4 & 5)
Lectio Template 218: "Create in me a clean heart, O God." (Psalm 51)
L. Template 217: "[may you] know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge." (Eph 3)
Lectio Template 216: "Who can ascend the hill of the Lord?" (Psalm 24)
Lectio Template 215: "Come away ... and rest a while." (Mark 6)
Lectio Template 214: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary...? (Mark 6)
Lectio Template 213: "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith? (Mark 4)
Lectio Template 212: "The kingdom of God ... is like a mustard seed." (Mark 4)
Lectio Template 211: "Here are my mother and my brothers!" (Mark 3)
Lectio Template 210: "The sabbath was made for humankind..." (Mark 2)
Lectio Template 209: "None enter the kingdom...[unless] born of water & spirit." (John 3)
Lectio Template 208: "[The] Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words." (Romans 8)
Lectio Template 207: "Their delight is in the law of the Lord." (Psalm 1)
Lectio Template 206: "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15)
Lectio Template 205: "Abide in me as I abide in you." (John 15)
Lectio Template 204: "The Lord is my shepherd ..." (Psalm 23)
Lectio Template 203: "Jesus...said to them, 'Peace be with you.' " (Luke 24)
Lectio Template 202: "God is light and in him there is no darkness at all." (1 John 1)
Lectio Template 201: "Remain here, and keep awake." (Mark 14)
Lectio Template 200: "[Jesus] ... became obedient to the point of death." (Ph. 2)
Lectio Template 199: "But if [the grain] dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12)
Lectio Template 198: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son..." (John 3)
Lectio Template 197: "Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!" (John 2)
Lectio Template 196: "Those who lose their life for my sake...will save it." (Mark 8)
Lectio Template 195: "Show me your ways, O Lord." (Psalm 25)
Lectio Template 194: "This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!" (Mark 9)
Lectio Template 193: "Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength." (Isaiah 40)
Lectio Template 192: "He commands even the unclean spirits." (Mark 1)
Lectio Template 191: "God is my strong rock and my refuge." (Psalm 62)
Lectio Template 190: "Lord, [you] are acquainted with all my ways." (Psalm 139)
Lectio Template 189: "[The wise men] knelt down and paid him homage." (Matthew 2)
Lectio Template 188: "The light shines in the darkness." (John 1)
Lectio Template 187: "Let it be with me according to your word." (Luke 1)
Lectio Template 186: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." (Luke 1)
Lectio Template 185: "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." (Mark 1)
Lectio Template 184: "Keep awake." (Mark 13)
Lectio Template 183: "Teach us to number our days..." (Psalm 90)
Lectio Template 182: "The wise took flasks of oil with their lamps." (Matthew 25)
Lectio Template 181: "O taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34)
Lectio Template 180: "Which commandment in the law is greatest?" (Matthew 22)
Lectio Template 179: "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." (Psalm 96)
Lectio Template 178: "The God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4)
Lectio Template 177: "Righteousness...comes through faith in Christ." (Philippians 3)
Lectio Template 176: "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2)
Lectio Template 175: "Living is Christ and dying is gain." (Philippians 1)
Lectio Template 174: "How often should I forgive?" (Matthew 18)
Lectio Template 173: "Let us ... put on the armor of light." (Romans 13).
Lectio Template 172: "...those who lose their life for my sake will find it" (Matthew 16)
Lectio Template 171: "Do not be conformed to this world..." (Romans 12)
Lectio Template 170: "God sent me before you to preserve life." (Genesis 45)
Lectio Template 169: "Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid." (Matthew 14)
Lectio Template 168: "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" (Luke 9)
Lectio Template 167: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden..." (Matthew 13)
Lectio Template 166: "Where can I flee from your presence?" (Psalm 139)
Lectio Template 165: "Listen! A sower went out to sow..." (Matthew 13)
Lectio Template 164: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11)
Lectio Template 163: "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me..." (Matthew 10)
Lectio Template 162: "Consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God..." (Romans 6)
Lectio Template 161: "I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." (Matthew 9)
Lectio Template 160: "Your majesty is praised above the heavens." (Psalm 8)
Lectio Template 159: "All the members...though many, are one body." (1 Corinthians 12)
Lectio Template 158: "Everything you have given me is from you." (John 17)
Lectio Template 157: "Because I live, you will also live." (John 14)
Lectio Template 156: "Let yourselves be built into a spiritual house." (1Peter 2)
Lectio Template 155: "The Lord is my shepherd . . . (Psalm 23)
Lectio Template 154: "The Lord has risen indeed." (Luke 24)
Lectio Template 153: "Peace be with you." (John 20)
Lectio Template 152: "I have seen the Lord." (John 20)
Lectio Template 151: "He humbled himself and became obedient..." (Philippians 2)
Lectio Template 150: "Lazarus, come out!" (John 11)
Lectio Template 149: "Awake, O sleeper...and Christ will give you light." (Ephesians 5)
Lectio Template 148: "Worship in spirit and truth." (John 4)
Lectio Template 147: "You must be born from above." (John 3)
Lectio Template 146: "Jesus was led...into the wilderness to be tempted..." (Matthew 4)
Lectio Template 145: "He was transfigured before them." (Matthew 17)
Lectio Template 144: "Be reconciled to your brother or sister." (Matthew 5)
Lectio Template 143: "Let your light shine..." (Matthew 5)
Lectio Template 142: "Blessed are the poor in spirit..." (Matthew 5)
Lectio Template 141: "The Lord is my light and my salvation." (Psalm 27)
Lectio Template 140: "Come and see." (John 1)
Lectio Template 139: "This is my Son, the Beloved." (Matthew 3)
Lectio Template 138: "Christ...humbled himself. (Philippians 2)
Lectio Template 137: "...the light shines in the darkness." (John 1)
Lectio Template 136: "...and they shall name him 'Emmanuel.'" (Matthew 1)
Lectio Template 135: "Go and tell...what you hear and see." (Matthew 11)
Lectio Template 134: "One who is more powerful than I is coming after me." (Matthew 3)
Lectio Template 133: "Keep awake..." (Matthew 24)
Lectio Template 132: "Jesus, remember me ..." (Luke 23)
Lectio Template 131: "Surely it is God who saves me." (Isaiah 12)
Lectio Template 130: "O sing to the Lord a new song." (Psalm 98)
Lectio Template 129: "Today salvation has come to this house." (Luke 19)
Lectio Template 128: "All who humble themselves will be exalted." (Luke 18)
Lectio Template 127: "Grant me justice against my opponent." (Luke 18)
Lectio Template 126: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" (Luke 17)
Lectio Template 125: "Guard the good treasure entrusted to you." (1 Timothy)
Lectio Template 124: "I am in agony in these flames." (Luke 16)
Lectio Template 123: "Is there no balm in Gilead?" (Jeremiah 8)
Lectio Template 122: "There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner..." (Luke 15)
Lectio Template 121: "You yourself created my inmost parts." (Psalm 139)
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