Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SLT Minutes From July 13, 2024

Attendees: Linda, Mary, Jan, Diane, Elena, Rick, Susan, Nichola, Parth, Vicki

9:40—Opening Prayer and 5 minutes of Centering Prayer


Facilitator Enrichment: Mary, Nichola, Parth: when might we schedule a Zoom meeting for facilitators to share ideas & materials about shepherding prayer group members who have never attended an Intro Program. An August or early September date?
• Parth: shared how she meets new prayer group members in person, gives them pamphlets and faith sharing resources, plus a history of CP and the process of the CP session.
 • Susan: spoke of Susan Habeck, a woman in Lake Havasu who is a member of Colleen    Clementson’s Zoom prayer group. Susan H. is starting a new prayer group at her church in Lake Havasu, AZ, and wants assistance with an Intro or some other form of CP education. She got in touch with Mary via email, who suggested she connect with contact people from Contemplative Outreach of Phoenix as well as a couple in Prescott, Arizona, who have served as CP Presenters.
• Mary: mentioned the Nestor de Armas video training series for facilitators (available for volunteers at the CO, Ltd. website) that could be helpful. We previously shared one on Faith Sharing for a Facilitator Enrichment in 2022. We could share another one titled “What a Beginning Facilitator Needs to Know.”
• TO DO: The Facilitator Enrichment will be scheduled on either 9/7 or 9/14. Need to contact Chris Hagen to see what date works for him.

Financial Report: Linda

Last time we met, the chapter had $18,454 and now has $14,801.67. Where did the $4000 go?--
• $900 was used for retreat scholarships.
• One woman in the chapter was interested in online retreats in Denver as well as a request for study books for these retreats ($200). Linda is interviewing her for a newsletter article. This will help to inspire others to use our available resources. Mary went to Holy Spirit and used some of her silent time for us. Thank you, Mary!
• $1600 is our deposit for the Prince of Peace and the Mission retreats. Our remaining balance will depend on the outcome of these retreats.
• Mary bought a warranty for the computer. The computer was $700; warranty was $300 (@$1000 total)
• Zoom memberships for chapter use: $300.

Communications (Website and Newsletter): Mary

• Mary is updating the new CONSD computer to move CONSD chapter resources from her PC to the new PC.
• The Chapter will still be getting a new projector to use for the Intro Workshop on October 5. This will be an in-person Intro. Nichola spoke of a great deal of staff turnover at her church. A new staff person has confirmed the date of October 5 for CONSD’s Intro workshop in their Parish Hall.
TO DO: Nichola will find out the necessary protocols for the event closer to the date.
The August newsletter is forthcoming. TO DO: Linda will interview Marilyn on her experience of one the contemplative events that she attended with the help of our scholarship resources.
TO DO: Mary would like to find someone to write a reflection on Susan Latimer’s event on July 27.

Events / Workshops, recent & future:

• Update on Chris Hagen’s rescheduled Zoom presentation:  Chris lost his Wifi connection shortly into his presentation on June 22. Mary tried to call him. His daughter, Karen was at the Zoom event and she drove to his house and found him still continuing to present. His vision is not good, and he could see that his slides were still up, so he suspected no problem. Mary showed one of Chris’ earlier presentations instead for the participants online. (“How Centering Prayer Changes the Brain.”)
• Chris’ presentation is rescheduled for November 2. His daughter volunteered to be at Chris’ residence during the presentation should something go awry again.

Wisdom/CP Day at Mission with Susan Latimer on July 27: “A Wisdom Way of Knowing”.
• Avril Bland, Colleen Clementson, and Susan Wheeler will be helping with registration that morning. People will pay as they enter. Joan T. will be out of town, so people are needed to bring breakfast food for hospitality. Coffee and water are already available.
TO DO: Linda offered to find people to find the refreshments. She suggested that we make sure the Mission has tables available for registration. [We do]. From Kathy’s presentation last year, we learned that we don’t need as much food as last time. Simple offerings of grapes, cookies, things that are easy to put into napkins would be sufficient. Mary appreciated Linda’s offer of help!
• The time is 8:30am-3pm with lunch included. $40 registration fee. Linda suggested that we send out a note to verify who is coming (because of fees we have already paid). Linda is worried that we will lose some folks. Mary: The whole fee is $1400 (& we have paid a deposit of $350).
• Diane: Where will folks find the coffee and water? Mary: in the courtyard and we will show people as they come in.
• Mary: 37 people are registered and 3 spaces are remaining.
• Rick: still has 2 boxes of DVDs and CDs just sitting in his garage. Is this something he could bring and we could offer to attendees?? Mary: Kathy Agnew has lots of books to give away. She also offered to be a person to hold materials. Rick: There is so much online that you can now screen. This makes some of this material redundant. Mary: Maybe go ahead and bring CDs and DVDs. Rick cannot attend the workshop but can bring these supplies to someone else to bring to the Retreat with them. Rick has a list of what he has. Susan: Maybe share the list with facilitators. Linda: There is little interest in their prayer groups for this. Diane: A lot of people don’t have DVD players. Rick will share the list with Susan. Parth: the list could serve as a bibliography to find resources online.
TO DO: Mary will share the list on the “Be Still and Know” blog.
Susan Latimer is getting a stipend for the workshop ($200).
TO DO: Linda will get some CONSD checks to Mary to use.

CP Intro Program: October 5, likely at St Peter’s Del Mar. The Intro sub-team needs to meet to discuss who could present at this Intro. Patti Smith might be able to present.
• We will need people to help facilitate the follow-up sessions as well as hospitality, registration, etc.
TO DO: The Intro sub-team decided to meet on August 17 at 10am.

Prince of Peace Retreat: Oct. 17-20.
An additional day was added due to many requests for a longer retreat. Some from COSD are inquiring about the retreat. TO DO: Mary is keeping a list of these folks to send the registration form when ready. •  Linda: target audience - this will not be advertised on Mailchimp. TO DO: Mary: it will be sent out to all of COSD and CONSD facilitators to share with their prayer group members. Also, it could be put up on the website as an event. Linda: Do you (Mary) ever send it to previous participants? Mary: notices that people who attended before often want to come again.
• The limit of attendees is 25; the cost is $375. We can offer scholarships. Parth: Likes the idea of reaching out to previous participants. Linda: she may have some of these contacts. She’ll look into it. Email contacts. Mary has a list of contacts from the last 2 or 3 years. Mary: Linda, will you be attending? Linda: Yes, and her week is clear and she will be able to help. Diane: loved Mary’s tone of presence in leading the retreat last year. Susan: Mary, you radiate calm and peace, you and Linda both emanate this presence of peace and calm. Mary: the retreat environment itself holds this presence of peace and calm.

Elena Bertran Zoom Advent retreat: early December?
Elena is looking at her calendar for possible dates. SLT meeting is currently scheduled for 12/7. Mary: We could change the SLT meeting to another time, to maybe in November. Elena feels that 12/7 is best for her. If that doesn’t work, Elena could do a New Year’s event in January. Linda: likes the idea of January. The Church does a lot in December, and then January brings a lull. Linda appreciates Elena’s wisdom and guidance, especially for the holiday season.
• Elena: she could also do a newsletter meditation for personal reflection during the Advent season. Mary: always up for something for the newsletter!
TO DO: Elena: Idea to do an article/meditation/reflection for Advent and then a retreat for the New Year. Maybe on 1/18. Parth: my son is getting married on 1/19/25! Mary/Elena: maybe the December article can give a foretaste of what to expect in January. Elena will mull this over to come up with an idea.

Discussion on Simply Prayer:
Linda: Simply Prayer takes place regularly at 10 am on Thursday mornings. She would like to send out something in Mailchimp to invite folks to this.
TO DO: Linda will ask Virginia to come up with a lovely invitation. Mary: agrees on a Mailchimp send out for Simply Prayer.
• Elena: Has her boxing class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She doesn’t have time to lead Simply Prayer on the third Thursday now. Parth: offer another day a month? Linda: hard to change the commitment from a regular event. Maybe too difficult to add now, may put a burden on Kathy and Mary. Mary: We would have to find another team to commit to this. Having another day would be a challenge, as would changing the day. Linda: Maybe hold the space for Elena should the boxing date change. Elena: They have it earlier because of the heat. She suggested changing the time of Simply Prayer to 11am?? Mary: Kathy Mendoza holds the Zoom room. She will talk with them about making possible changes to the time. Elena: Then suggested 9am.
TO DO: Mary: will share this with the team. The day would be harder to change, but the time change would be easier. Elena: 9am would be better for her.

Calendar Items: Next SLT meeting, November 9, 2024 Calendar (to be updated) available HERE
• Autumn Days of Prayer - COSD is offering this from 9/30-11/2 on Zoom. People can join by emailing Ardy Woodmansee to get the Zoom link: aew92123@aol.com.
• Anyone interested in attending the 40th Anniversary of CO, on 9/26-29 at Emory University in Atlanta?
TO DO: Linda will email Joan T. and she if she is interested in going.

• Other Concerns / Miscellaneous: All
Mary: Just heard from Cherie Herrera. that Cristina Romero’s husband, Raul, passed away in June. 7/19 funeral mass. (Cristina serves with COSD).
• TO DO: Mary will send out Cherie's notice to CONSD prayer group facilitators, as some may know Cristina.
• Susan: Donation button. Should she talk to her friend about this? Mary acknowledged that she has temporarily dropped the ball on this. She has talked with Susan’s friend and said that the friend's main suggestion is to go to our CU and arrange it through them.
TO DO: Mary acknowledged she will take this step. Susan: Her church’s website has one. Mary: It would be nice to have another way for folks to make donations. Susan: she gets a separate text from the donation place with a tax form. Linda: Could this be used to make payments for events, like the Retreat? Answer is yes. Donor just needs to put a caption on the form when donating to signify where the donation should be applied.
• Vicki: This morning confirmed for her that her current season of life is crazy and unpredictable. She regretted that she has not played an active part with SLT and apologized profusely, with tears. She is thinking of bowing out. Her son is still having difficulties, and she is traveling a lot back and forth to Orange County. She is also busy with school and grooming someone to take her position at school when she retires. Many folks spoke up with their love for Vicki and their encouragement to take the time she needs for herself and to come to meetings/events whenever it is good for her. Mary mentioned that there are other members of SLT who are very busy as well and will come back later. She suggests to Vicki that she will keep her on the list and to come back when she is ready. We will hold her in prayer and with love.

Closing Prayer: Mary: from Peter Traben Haas’ “Centering Prayers”

The meeting ended at 11:17.

Respectfully submitted,
Parth Domke

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