Saturday, January 25, 2025

SLT Minutes from January 11, 2025

Attendees: Mary Williams, Susan Wheeler, Elena Bertran, Rick Martin, Chris Hagen, Joan Thompson, Kathy Mendoza, Jan Simpson, and Linda Dollins

9:40 -- Opening Prayer followed by 5 minutes of silent prayer.

Review and Reflection on Vision and Mission Statements

Mary and Kathy alternately read the Statements.  Mary then slowly scrolled over them again, asking  if any wanted to share a word that stood out.  The words Utmost, Non-Judgmental, and Humility as well as other short comments were mentioned. 

*I lost connection with Zoom for a few minutes, and then Rick appeared.

Rick was talking about not knowing if we are having our last encounters with others.  We need to cherish them in the present.  Jan said she sees each person who walks into an Introductory Workshop as special, a seeker of God.  Kathy said she has personally felt encouragement and support from CONSD, and it has made a difference in her life.


COSD Update: Mary

Mary and Brian Curry, COSD’s coordinator, have emailed each other, and Brian is interested in a collaborative event. COSD is having a bilingual Intro Workshop in Chula Vista 1/18-19.  They will also host their 5-day Intensive Retreat starting April 28th at Prince of Peace

Facilitator Enrichment: Mary

The team of Chris, Nichola, Parth, and Mary will be meeting February 1 at 9:30am.  

Financial Report: Linda

--CONSD’s current funds are $12,274 (Last meeting $12,539)
        --Deposits this period: $600.00
        --Withdrawals: $841.00
        --Scholarships since the last report: $341.00

 Communications (Website and Newsletter): Mary

The next Newsletters will probably be coming out in late January, and then March.  Opportunities and Events are always listed on the Website under the Events tab.

Introductory Workshop Team: Mary

An In-person Introductory Workshop is scheduled for April 26 at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Poway from 9:00-12:30 with hospitality available 8:30-9:00. Parth will be presenting, and another presenter may be needed.  Mary recently visited St. Bart’s and was impressed by the renovation and structural changes the church has made.  The Intro Team will meet February 8 on Zoom at 9:30am to begin planning and advertising for the Workshop.

Elena Bertran Retreat: Elena

Elena’s retreat is now planned for Lent on March 29 and the topic will probably be Grace. 

Chapter Enrichment Day: Mary

We will be having an in-person Enrichment and Discernment Day on May 3rd. [Addendum: This will be moved to June].  This will be an opportunity to discuss the future for the chapter and for teams to collaborate.  Mary would like to discuss the possibility of a coordinating team rather than a single coordinator, reestablishing sub-teams, and inviting others, not currently involved with leadership, to participate.  Kathy suggested that the day can also be a time for refreshment.  Mary suggested that inspirational videos from the 40th Contemplative Outreach Ltd Anniversary in Atlanta are now available and might be incorporated.

Chris Hagen’s Presentation: Chris

Chris’s next presentation is entitled “The Third Way: A Response to Personal, Social, Cultural and Societal Discord.”  He said the presentation is based on the pre-Christian “People of the Way” which may help us to understand and to respond to our current societal state.  The structure of the retreat will incorporate break-out sessions as well as Chris’s presentation.  Mary shared a possible format for break-out sessions which gives each small group several topics or questions, a time for discussing them, and a reporting back to the whole group.

A date was discussed and eventually September 13th, the second Saturday of September, was chosen.  The event will be on Zoom.

Mary expressed gratitude to Chris on behalf of all of us for Chris’s contributions.

A Day at San Luis Rey Mission

We have had two events at the SLR Mission, first with Kathy Mendoza and then with Susan Latimer.  Mary could possibly present another Scriptio Divina Workshop modeled after the one she did at St. Thomas More, but she wanted to open the discussion. Nichola has recommended Fr. Gregory Boyle as a speaker, and Mary has already requested a date in the summer of 2025 or 2026 since his speaking calendar is very full.  Fr. Boyle requests that all donations go to his Homeboy Industries. 

Mary also told us about Heather Ruce who is a local spiritual director from La Mesa.  Heather has studied Gurdjieff and has been part of Cynthia Bourgeault’s Wisdom Retreats. She has also teamed with Susan Latimer as well as scheduling her own retreats.  On her website, she offers a daily Contemplative Pause from 8:00-8:30 am. 

Mary also reminded us of possible presenters who have given retreats from The Mercy Center in Burlingame: Joy Andrews Hayter and Catherine Regan.

Prince of Peace Silent Retreat

This four-day retreat is scheduled for October 16-19 at Prince of Peace Abbey

Other Suggestions for Events or Programs

We have not had a Silent Saturday for some time.  Joan said that might be a possible event to do with COSD.   Linda said that the Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá might be an inviting and historical site to hold it. 

Next SLT meeting is April 12, 2025. 

Chapter Calendar updates can be found here:

Closing of Meeting: Mary

Mary closed the meeting at 10:50am with the reading of a prayer by Peter Traven Haas:

"You who are the first light in the depths of the deep, kindly shine unexpected blessings upon [our lives] outstretched to you. 

Draw [us] into the silence so as to feel your closeness, and send [us] into the world attuned to the movement of your mercy, beyond the cultural swings of all or nothing, winning or losing, peace or conflict. Amen."


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Dollins

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