"Jesus...said to them, 'Peace be with you.' "
We invite you to a few minutes of silence before we begin our prayer time together.
Take a deep breath and breathe in the breath of God, knowing by faith that God breathes into us the breath of life.
Our Centering Prayer sit is 20 - 30 minutes sounded by the chime/chant. At the end of the Prayer sit, we will linger in silence a few minutes, then follow by praying together the Our Father.
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First reading & silent reflection: Reflect in silence.
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LECTIO: from Luke 24: 36b-48
Jesus himself
stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and
terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are
you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my
feet; see that itis I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh
and bones as you see that I have.” And when he had said this, he showed them his
hands and his feet. While in their joy they were disbelieving and still
wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a
piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence.
Second reading & reflection: What word or phrase catches your attention? Share or pass...
Third reading & reflection: How does this word or phrase touch your life? Share or pass.
Fourth and last reading & silent reflection: How is God inviting you to grow? We will reflect in silence for a few moments before we move from Lectio Prayer to the teaching by Father Keating or another contemplative guide.
reminds us that the boundaries between this life and the life beyond are
permeable and that our power is not seeded in what is bestowed by politicians
and society but to everyone willing and ready to recognize the moves of an
active Holy Spirit. Mysticism helps people under siege to transcend hatred and
sustain hope, to meet devastating violence with communal resilience and peaceful
being receptive to the things that we don’t understand, we fling open the center
of our being to the mysteries of the Divine.
--Barbara Holmes, Crisis Contemplation, 134.
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We now take some time to share our thoughts and reflections on our own spiritual journey and our prayer practice. Followed by brief prayers of intercession. Share or pass.
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Go in the name of Christ Jesus to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God!
[This is an adapted format courtesy of Richard and Linda Hall, Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington, DC]
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